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Pre-event: Gamestorming
On Friday we started with a Pre-event called “Gamestorming” – where participants at each table were invited to play a game, then change the rules to apply it later as a “serious game” in the office, with the teams. We had nice ideas like:
– different ways and shapes to build a Jenga tower,
– Take5 with reverse rules, etc.
Epic Opening
We had an icebreaker “Collective portrait drawing exercise” – in the end we had transformed the conference room into a professional art gallery:
Open Space Technology
Opening the space on Saturday was done by an original play inspired from Romanian well-known playwrite Caragiale (we were close to Ploiești his hometown)
Here is the dramatic text:
The Marketplace
Sessions Day 1
Creating safe space for Agile, Agile Community of Experience, Bring Agile to its Real Meaning, Creative Thinking Workshop, Improv writing, Lean & Agile Techniques for Personal Life, Fake Agile, Audit Management System, Agile + Architecture = 💓 ?, Law of Innovation Difusion, Context Switching Game, How to Handle Transformation Projects, Liberating Structures, User Stories & Purpose in Life, Wardley Maps, Fear & Leadership, How to Measure Team Performance, How Many Hats Does a Scrum Master Have?, Visual Thinking in Agile World, Helium Stick game.
Sessions Day 2
Clean Language, Agile Transformation Practices, Estimations …, Law of Information Diffusion, Moving Motivators, Coaching Crash Course, Coaching Session DEMO
Having fun is in the DNA of our event and we had plenty of it at ACCRO ’23!
See you next year!!!
Our Sponsors
A big THANK YOU to our sponsors: