Puteți consulta varianta în limba română a Termenilor și Condițiilor de Participare aici.
Agile Coach Camp 2024 takes place at Albota Trout Farm, Arpașu de Sus 557016, Sibiu, Romania
The event takes place from Friday, 20th September to Sunday, 22th September 2024.
Registration Steps
In order to register to Agile Coach Camp 2024 you take the following 3 steps:
- Fill in the Registration Form and receive the registration code
- With the registration code you pay to the Agency’s account the flat fee, as received by email.
- Confirm with us via email that you have payed.
NOTE: Payments in EUR will be calculated based on request. Please specify this in an email in order to get a calculation of the cost in EUR. We do not accept other currencies.
Payment covers the accommodation fee for 2 nights in a single / double room, depending on your choice, 3 meals/day, 4 coffee breaks and conference rooms rental.
Not covered are the drinks during meals and at the bar.
Payment will be done 100% in advance.
If for some reason you need to cancel your reservation you will need to pay the following penalties:
- 50% of the amount if cancellation occurs before 20th August 2024
- 80% of the amount if cancellation occurs before 1st September 2024
- 100% of the amount if cancellation occurs after 1st September 2024.
Code of Conduct
By participating in Agile Coach Camp Romania 2024, you agree to respect our conference Code of Conduct, detailed in the page: https://agilecoachcamp.ro/code-of-conduct/
Security (Wild Animals)
Participants shall respect the security recommendations from the location, with respect to wild animals (bears) such as: not leaving food in outside trash containers, hiking at their own risk, etc.
Data Protection & GDPR
Your registration will be processed by S.C. BLUE SKY TRAVEL S.R.L.
Registration Number: J08/3173/2007 VAT Code: RO22780985
Address: Str. CV Centru 1, bl.13, ap.4, Făgăraș, Brașov
S.C. BLUE SKY TRAVEL S.R.L. is processing your personal data according to GDPR law (nr. 679/2016). You were informed about data processing policy and you agree that your data be transmitted in order to provide the service. In case you want additional information regarding how personal data is processed please refer to S.C. BLUE SKY TRAVEL S.R.L. directly.
Thank you, and welcome to Agile Coach Camp RO ’24!
Organising Team: Adrian Suciu, Costin Calisov, Cristina Darie, Eugen Pleșca, Lucian-Adrian Stroie